ENTENTE TTO Professional exchange Grant Agreement

The main aim of ENTENTE, the EUROPEAN NETWORK OF KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER IN HEALTH, (www.entente-health.eu) is the creation and the consolidation of a network of European technology transfer among universities, research institutes, hospitals and companies in the health sector. To this end, ENTENTE promotes a series of activities and initiatives, such as the "Professional Exchange Programme", a professional exchange of personnel working in the field of technology transfer between European and extra-European institutions.

U.O. Valorizzazione Ricerca, participating in the IV call of the Professional Exchange Programme, could take part in the International Mentoring Program of  Office of Technology Transfer - National Institutes Of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA (https://www.ott.nih.gov/) , a training and professional exchange in the technology transfer in the life sciences sector. In addition to routine activities (i.e. invention disclosures, patent filing, patent licensing, etc.), U.O. Valorizzazione Ricerca took part in a series of other initiatives: business convention (BIO Conference 2015, Philadelphia),  business plan competitions (Sope session pitch), meet-up (Bio Biz), etc.

Start date: 
Project category: 
Altri progetti di Formazione finanziati da enti esterni
Reference organsation: 
Scientific leaders: 
Monia Gentile
Organisation role: 