Il corso di quattro incontri di formazione su Trasferimento Tecnologico e Valorizzazione della ricerca, organizzato da IUSS, in collaborazione con Netval e con il coinvolgimento delle Scuole universitarie superiori Federate.
Il corso di seasonal school "Imprenditorialità nelle discipline umanistiche" (28 al 30 novembre) è organizzato da IUSS Pavia, nell'ambito della Pro3Fed6 delle scuole universitarie superiori.
JoTTO, l'Ufficio di trasferimento tecnologico congiunto (Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Scuola Normale Superiore, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pis
Start Cup Toscana, is the competition among the best entrepreneurial initiatives with a high technological service or product coming from the academic research world.
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna joined the ELAN network (European network of services and innovation for European and Latin American companies), a program funded by the European Union (EU) Latin America.
The main aim of ENTENTE, the EUROPEAN NETWORK OF KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER IN HEALTH, is the creation and the consolidation of a network of European technology transfer among universities, research institutes, hospitals and companies in the health sector.
"Tuscan Start Up Academy" Project was created in response to the regional call for proposals "Activation of training courses for entrepreneurship in the academic field", aimed to designing and providing training courses to support entrepreneurship arising from the research activities.
FORTEC – FOrmare alla Ricerca applicata e TECnologica, to activate reasearch grants jointly with Universities and companies.
The IMPACT project aimed to implement procedures to create an infrastructure to support technology transfer and business creation in under-developed areas of Tuscany, in the life sciences field. It was carried out jointly with the University of Florence (lead partner) ), Confindustria Toscana and Toscana Life Sciences and granted by MISE.