Funding Opportunities for Young Researchers’ Mobility

The workshop aims at providing an overview of funding opportunities for PhD students, post-docs, and young researchers (scholarships by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; initiatives by the DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst; scholarships offered by the Royal Society in UK; bilateral Italy-France exchange programmes; Fulbright scholarships; Marie Curie actions). For each funding scheme, specific hints on how to write a proposal are given. The workshop will involve the participation of Dr. Valentina Torri from DAAD Italia (Servizio Tedesco per lo Scambio Accademico) and a short presentation of the experience by a successful DAAD applicant.

14.15- 14.30

Pietro Pietrini, Director of IMT School for Advanced Studies

Opening address

Marco Paggi, IMT School for Advanced Studies, JoTTO



Marco Paggi, IMT School for Advanced Studies, JoTTO- “Overview of funding schemes for short and long-term mobility: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Royal Society, bilateral Italy-France exchange programmes, Fulbright, Marie Curie actions”


Valentina Torri, Centro Informazioni DAAD Roma (DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst / Servizio Tedesco per lo Scambio Accademico) “Overview of the DAAD funding schemes for Researchers and for the Italian-German academic cooperation”


Irene Berardone, IMT School for Advanced Studies- “The point of view of a successful DAAD applicant”


Marco Paggi, IMT School for Advanced Studies, JoTTO - “Practical hints on how to write a proposal”

17.00-17.30 Questions and answers

17.30 End of workshop

02/16/2017 - 14:15
Ente di Riferimento: 
Cappella Guinigi, IMT School for Advanced Studies
Via della Quarquonia, 1/A
55100 Lucca LU